Technology of Eíre

From GURPSworld Wiki

Eíre is a TL3+* society. The meaning of the + symbol is apparent, but the significance of the * symbol, known as the “wildcard,” bears some explanation.

GURPS Basic Set 4th Edition defines TL3 level as “Medieval (600 A.D.+)” Algebra and books are mentioned as specific technological advances that occurred during Earth’s “TL3” history. The next technology level is 4, which is designated as the “Age of Sail” and is chronologically equivalent to 1450 and later in Earth’s history. That’s a broad span of time, nearly a millennium, an era which has in the past been given short shrift as the “Dark Ages.” This prejudicial nomenclature has led many to believe there were no technological advances made during this “dark” period of intellectual history. In fact, in some areas (such as Arabia and Ireland), learning and study experienced new growth during this period.

The technology of Eíre is comparable to the Middle Ages of the history we know, with one or two notable exceptions. The most obvious technological difference is the presence of mythical creatures such as faerie and elves, who bring with them their own technologies, until now alien to human eyes and hands. Other advances have come as a result of the presence of magical creatures and the influence of new cultures. Water travel and small sailing vessels are becoming more common throughout the land. Eírean shipbuilders learned new techniques from wood elves who inhabit the area near the western shores of Eíre. This is the + of the TL designation above.

Here’s where the * comes in. The relocation of elvish, dwarfish and other alien craftsmen has led to an explosive change in technology on the island of Eíre. Foremost among the advances is the increased availability and reliability of steel weaponry. While more common now than in the past, good steel remains difficult to find and expensive to acquire. Still, a good steel blade in the hands of even a halfway decent fighter will give the warrior an edge over nearly any combatant armed with iron or *cough* bronze weapons.

Weird sciences, some bordering on the magical, have been rumored in the land. The practice of alchemy is widely known, but stranger arts are said to be found in the land. The dwarves and elves are often the source of such tale-spinning. Their mysterious presence has resulted in myth and rumor, both along the borders of the Outlands as well as the few area where they occupy ostensibly human territory. Increased encounters with these magical races have done little to dispel the fanciful nature of most reports.