Phoenix Sector

From GURPSworld Wiki

Name Type Gravity Pop. TL CR Society Starports Trade Class Mana Level Notes
Abbadon Earthlike .72G 90.2M 9 4 Theocracy Class IV Ag Unknown Exports rare hardwoods, agricultural products. Imports metals, manufactued goods, weapons.
Achamandra Earthlike .75G 8.7B 11 3 Representative democracy Class V (3) In Unknown Cultural and educational center. Exports high-tech manufacturing, imports organics and heavy metals.
Avatar Belt Asteroid .0015G 1.1M 11 3 Athenian democracy Class IV In Unknown Starship yards. Exports starships.
Azrael Earthlike .7G 3.7M 11 2 Democratic corporate state & caste system Class V, Class IV In Unknown Exports advanced electronics. Imports food, rare minerals & radioactives.
Beehive Earthlike .69G 17.4M 10 (11) 2 Feudal Class IV Ag, In Unknown Exports grain, meat, M'kar crystals. Imports luxury goods.
Cenotaph Rockball .91G 72K 3 (11) 0 Penal colony Class II (5) N/A Unknown Exports metals. Imports food & supplies.
Chelsea Earthlike .98G 5.6B 11 3 Athenian democracy Class V, Class IV Naval (orbital) In, Mi Unknown Exports biotechnology, electronics. Imports heavy metals, high-tech products, luxury food items.
Colossus Earthlike 1.46G 61K 10 (11) 2 Representative democracy Class III Ag Unknown Exports megapearls, light metals, grains. Imports heavy & industrial metals.
Cornwall Earthlike 1.11G 51.7M 10 1 Feudal Class IV Ag Unknown Farming and fishing. Exports fish and C'tal drug.
Enlas-Dhu Earthlike .82G 2.5B 11 5 Feudal Class V (3), Naval yard on moon In Unknown Exports high-tech goods, spaceships, weapons. Imports food, luxuries. Phoenix Domain capitol. Numerous government & corporate offices.
Estremerine Terrestrial .53G 230M 11 2 Feudal Class V, Class I & III Ex Unknown Exports biotechnology, computer software, electronics. Imports food, minerals, manufactured goods.
Fiobrachne Earthlike .77G 7.6M 9 2 Feudal Caste Class III Ag Unknown Fishing & agriculture. Exports art & furs. Imports high-tech goods & luxury items.
Lungold Earthlike .96G 7.2B 11 3 Representative democracy Class V, Class IV In Unknown Heavy industry and high-tech manufacturing. Orbital antiproton factory. Imports biotech & food.
Medusa Earthlike 1.05G 980M 10 (11) 2 Representative democracy Class V (orbital) Ag, Ex Unknown Surface water 99%. Exports agricultural products, minerals, petro-chemicals. Imports high-tech goods.
Monolith Earthlike .81G 820M 1-3 1 (3) Feudal None N/A Unknown Primitive economy. Known for mile-high obelisks of archaeological interest.
Moonjam Earthlike .8G 68M 10 3 Feudal/corporate cabal Class IV Ag Unknown Agriculture and tourism. Exports coffee, narcotics, rare hardwoods & fruits. Imports manufactured goods and slave labor.
Rhad Earthlike .85G 320M 11 1 Libertarian democracy Class V, Class IV, Class III, Class V (orbital) In Unknown Exports starships. Imports food & high-tech goods.
Sheol Hostile Greenhouse 1.08G 0 0 0 N/A Class IV (orbital city-ship) N/A Unknown Naval base on Watchtower (moon).
Shiva Earthlike .9G 722M 9/11 4 Feudal Class IV, Class III Ag Unknown Exports rice, bananas, and other exotic foods. Imports high-tech goods.
Sunrise Hot Rockball 1.27G 106,200 11 3 Feudal Colony Class IV In Unknown Exports heavy & radioactive metals. Imports food, water, and manufactured goods.
Tara Earthlike .92G 1B 10 (11) 3 Feudal Class V, Class II Na, Ni Unknown Cultural center. Imports luxury goods, manufactured goods.
Timos Earthlike 1.1G 1.2B 11 3 Feudal Class V, Class IV Naval (orbital) In Unknown Exports robotics, electronics. Imports luxury foods, exotic beasts, heavy vehicles & weapons.
Videga Earthlike .97G 3.4M 10 4 Corporate city-states Class IV, Class II-III (numerous), Class V (orbital) In Unknown Exports minerals, cybernetics. Imports TL11 technology, medical supplies & food.
Winterjewel Ice Desert .84G 1.1M 11 0 Tribal/Clan Class III In Unknown Darkstar Dynamics mining operations.


Some information adapted from the Space Atlas series of books published by Steve Jackson Games.