GURPS: Church and State Other rule mods

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Learning from your mistakes: (as seen in Ben's MA campaign)

Anytime you critically fail on any skill in which you have at least one point, you get an opportunity to learn from your mistake (assuming you survive whatever ill effects your critical failure brings). If you succeed in an ability check against that skill's base ability, you gain one point in that skill. For instance, if you made an attack with Karate and rolled a critical failure, you would roll against your DX to determine if you gain a point in Karate. You cannot learn from your mistakes to increase a technique or an advantage, and you cannot gain any points in a skill that is already at Relative Skill Level +2 or higher by learning from your mistakes.

Languages- Rotbrueck raised humans, or those raised by humans in Rotbrueck, get two languages for free, Valder and Maguir; one at accented and the other at native. The Maguirians held on to their roots and still speak Maguir commonly. Those from Stonedale, Fuessen, and Bullford are likely to have Maguir at Native, while those from the more cosmopolitan Rotbrueck will more likely have Valder at Native. Anyone from Whiterock is likely to have Valder at Native.

Other PCs (Gani, Trevan and the like) or those raised outside of Rotbrueck, get their Native for free, and can pick one language spoken at Broken for free.

Imperial and ancient Quani default at accented to one another. Although Gethoi has Valderic roots with Imperial influences, there is little ability to cross. Gethoi is spoken in Gethan, and the Canton of the Grey Watch. Gani speak their own language, which like Imperial is a modern day derivative of Quani (Spanish, Italian, etc from Latin), but has drifted enough that there is little interplay between them beyond a few words. A Gani native has Broken in Quani, and Accented in other Gani tribal dialects in the Central Kingdoms (Fox to Ibex or Boar).

Scholars will want to speak Quani, or Imperial.

GURPS: Church and State