Team Omega

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Team Omega logo.

Team Omega is a group of super-powered humans who serve and protect human civilization.


The first Team Omega consisted of former Azimuth test subjects Jack Fletcher, Kozmo Espinosa Kaminski, Dr. Caroline Onigawa, Walter Lewis, and former Azimuth CEO, Sarah McKillup. The name was chosen by Kaminski, because they are "the last hope of the Greek alphabet."

With the exception of Walter Lewis, Team Omega members were the most radiation resistant people on board Thaumas I. Due to their enhanced senses and other attributes, they are also the most likely to survive prolonged combat with the Enemy.

Additional Members

During the later stages of the war against the Enemy, Thaumus residents Ellen Santiago and Rex joined Team Omega.

While the team was exploring the ruins of old Earth, the team encountered survivor named Lock who later joined the team.

Upon returning to the Tower of Light, Team Omega was joined by citizen Magus Lambda Kane, who was later killed in action.

Team Omega at the Tower of Light

The members of Team Omega are among the most esteemed members of society. They live on the highest and most secure levels of the Tower, though are known to mix often with the workers and other citizens of the lower levels.

Team leader Kozmo has recently established a location in the lower levels of the Tower intended to be used as an administrative headquarters for the team. Due to recent developments at the Tower, there are plans for a more robust system of urban security and stabilization in which Team Omega will play a central role.