Star Trek: Vol’Rala “Credits” Intro
Video introduction to the Star Trek: Vol’Rala campaign (previously the Star Trek: Odyssey campaign).
Star Trek: Vol’Rala “Credits” Intro Read MoreWe Play GURPS.
Video introduction to the Star Trek: Vol’Rala campaign (previously the Star Trek: Odyssey campaign).
Star Trek: Vol’Rala “Credits” Intro Read MoreWhy does a GM run games, especially using GURPS? It’s sometimes a thankless task. Literally thankless. I’ve asked other GMs, “Do your players thank you at the end of a …
GM Appreciation Day Read MoreIf you’re a GURPS GM and you’re not using a campaign planning form, you’re doing it wrong.
The Campaign Planning Form Read MoreEvery now and then a book comes along that encapsulates a subject, a general history or study of a subject that provides something for both beginners and experts. In the …
How to Be a GURPS GM Read More1. The system is GURPS, which has brought you out of the land of narrow categorization and the bondage of class-based systems. 2. Thou shalt have no other GMs. There …
The Ten Commandments of any GURPS Campaign Read MoreGURPSworld is a private group of GURPS players on Roll20. This website is created as a resource for GURPSWorld members as well as the general GURPS public. Why anyone else …
GURPSworld Read More