Lisa's Galactic Timeline

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Revision as of 22:03, 13 April 2016 by Ben (talk | contribs) (→‎See Also)

21st Century

-Humans begin to colonize the solar system

22nd Century

-Humans develop volitional AI

23rd Century

-The development of reactionless propulsion leads to colonization of the outer solar system
-The Robot Wars puts a damper on the development of AI, after humans and AI come into conflict

24th Century

-Humans develop FTL
-Human cybernetics and biotechnology enjoy a renaissance as people strive to adapt to new environments in space and other solar systems

25th Century

-Earth is suddenly destroyed, plunging human civilization into Dark Ages that last over a millennium; much of human history is lost

46th Century

-4523.197: Prometheans revive Lisa, Ambrose, and Doolish from stasis, after a daring jailbreak from The Hole on The DarkStar

See Also

Lisa Chan

Diary of Lisa Chan

GURPS DarkStar