Cormac Mar

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Cormac Mar was once a Druid of Wicklow, responsible for many of the outlying mountain villages.

In the year 1160, Mar became disenchanted with the Druid Order of Wicklow. Corruption had become endemic in the local Order, with rich patrons able to buy offices and awards. That year the order of Ollave had become meaningless in Wicklow, as anyone able to afford the monthly fee in gold was able to purchase this religious rank. Mar protested this practice and was relieved of his duties. He persisted in his criticisms of the local hierarchy and was expelled form the Order.

Mar continued to assail the leaders of the local Druidry, imploring his former friends and colleagues to "purify" the Order. The leadership responded by removing Mar from the protection of the Order. This amounts to a form of excommunication. Druids are sworn to protect all residents of Eíre. Because of their service to the island and its people, it is illegal to kill a Druid, even in self-defense. Even if one was able to avoid legal entanglement for killing a Druid, the killer would not escape the retribution of the Order. If the protection of the Order is removed from someone, then the Druids are no longer bound to protect that individual. If this protection is removed from a Druid, that Druid may be assaulted or even murdered with impunity.