Timekeeping in the City

From GURPSworld Wiki

Revision as of 07:01, 9 December 2016 by Cal (talk | contribs)

IAM wisely guides the chronological progress of The City according to Civil Uniform Municipal Zoning Preference Schedule 43 (rev 214.2), ‘Subterranean Construction Priority Objectives Directive’. Emphasizing enclosed habitation within the protection of the citystructure, The Computer not only improves protection from the violence of Nature but also frees its fortunate citizens from the shackles of the Old Reckoning clock and calendar.

Uncontrolled environmental influences no longer dictate the succession of hours, days, months, years and Multi-Year Initiatives. These time periods now proceed in regularized increments. In sharp contrast to cumbersome and obsolete Old Reckoning arrangements, The City now operates efficiently using The Computer’s innovative system of 60 seconds in each minute, 60 minutes in each hour and 24 hours in each day.

IAM has dispensed with irrelevant and arbitrary names for months and days. Each year has 12 numbered months, each with 30 numbered days. Dates are written Year.Month.Day, as for instance 419.05.16.


  • Adapted from Paranoia XP: Service Pack 1, published by Mongoose Games, Copyright 2004 by Eric Goldberg and Greg Costikyan. PARANOIA is a trademark of Eric Goldberg and Greg Costikyan.