The Hole

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The Hole is a prison for magic users and psychics, constructed by the Cabal over 4,000 years ago. It has since developed into a colorful and diverse city of over a quarter-million residents, most of whom live in one of several walled enclaves known as Boroughs.


The Hole is a circular area, approximately 48 kilometers in diameter, surrounded by mile-high cliffs that are smooth and unclimbable. Few have tried to surmount the top of the cliffs: at the top they found a vast and endless desert and an asphyxiating atmosphere.

The River flows from two waterfalls on the north and south side of the Hole. At the center of the Hole is Darkwater Lake, an unfathomable body of water inhabited by large aquatic monsters and carnivorous fish.

The sun cuts a wobbly circle around the sky over the hole, indicating a tide-locked planet. The sun produces about three-fourths the illumination of Sol. Overhead the air is fogged by steam vapor and exhaust from alcohol-burning engines, leaving the entire area in a perpetual twilight.

The temperature of the Hole is a constant 20-degrees Celsius.


The true origin of the Hole is unknown. Several theories and legends of origin exist among residents. The topic is primarily a matter of concern for newcomers and those who harbor hope of escape.

The current calendar started over 2,000 years earlier with an event known as the Great Exodus, where nearly one-third of the population found a way out of the Hole.

A significant number of residents believe the Hole to be some form of afterlife, the majority concluding it is a Hell or Purgatory.

A group known as Mensalites believe the Hole was created as an intellectual puzzle. The solution to the puzzle is finding out what controls the Gates and how one can predict when and where one will appear. Mensalites have temples in Dragon City, New A’Kina, the Bronx, and Paradise Alley.

Many residents believe the Hole is an elaborate prison. A number of magically-talented and psionic individuals report being exiled here by a group of powerful magicians known as the Cabal.

Another commonly held belief is that the Hole is social experiment being carried out by pan-dimensional creatures. A similar theory holds that the Hole is a form of entertainment for such creatures.

The Gates

These apparently magical portals are said to appear in random places every five years.

Copper is thought by many to act as a lodestone for Gates, though there is no reliable evidence of correlation between gate appearance and copper. This rumored trait makes copper the most valued metal in the Hole, said to be sought and hoarded by the Stronghold.


Gold and copper are the standard forms of currency. Both metals are also conductive and required for electronics. Electronic equipment is uncommon but prized greatly.

Coins are found in many shapes and sizes but share a common weight. They may be minted and thus marked by different boroughs but widely exchanged or converted. Some coins may have originated elsewhere.

The most common coins types are “golds” and “coppers.” A “gold” is 28g (1 oz) of gold. A “copper” is 14g (1/2 oz) of copper. Coppers are rare due to their rumored association with Gates.

Common currency conversions
Coin Weight Conversion
1 Copper 14g (0.5 oz) 10 Golds
1 Gold 28g (1 oz) 2 Half-golds
1 Half-gold 14g (0.5 oz) 2 Quarters, 4 Eighths


Magic exists in limited form in the Hole. The only known area of consistent mana is the Ironkill Forest. There are rumored areas of low or normal mana in both Dragon City and New A’kina.

Among the many rumors regarding the Stronghold are tales of magic. However, there are an equal number of tales suggesting the Stronghold is anti-magic.

If the rumors of the Stronghold as the last vestige of the Hole’s origin are true, then the Stronghold may house members of the Cabal.

The Boroughs

File:THE HOLE.jpg
Map of the Hole

The Hole is made up of nine walled boroughs. The population is somewhere around 300,000, about 75% of whom are humans from various times on various Earths, and 25% are creatures and races from other planes of existence.

Some boroughs have controlling governments. Others are controlled by gangs. Unknown visitors are either assimilated into a gang through initiation, killed outright, or if lucky enough, robbed and beaten and thrown out of the borough.

The Bronx

Resembles its 20th century namesake. Multi-storied tenement buildings. Mansion district in the northwest. Oligarchical society. Neighborhoods controlled by Dons who mostly cooperate in running the borough. Numerous gambling casinos run by local mobs. Some clubs have electric lighting powered by alcohol-burning generators.


Labyrinthine neighborhoods of twisted alleys and streets. Violent gangs throughout the borough compete for resources and members. Most residents work in factories. Steel, textile, and clothing manufacturing industries dominate. Borough has small markets and many run-down shops centrally located on Market Row. Entrance fee: none.

Scum Town

No-Man’s Land. Home to many small gangs, fugitive from larger gangs, refugees from other boroughs, and derelicts. Day-to-day life is a violent struggle. Also dangerous due to North Quarter slavers’ frequency of operation here. Entrance fee: none.

Dragon City

Populated by medieval Earthlings, people from fantasy realms, as well as magical beasts and races. Medieval architecture. Run by feudal king who delegates authority to five lesser dukes. Weekly festivals featuring music and tasty food. Proprietor of infamous Faust Inn claims to be Beowulf of legend. Anachronistic gang known as Thunderbird Pigs operate two replicas of 20th century automobiles. Tolerated in this medieval setting because they are the finest warriors of the borough. Entrance fee: half-gold. Firearms, high-tech gear, or other “non-period” or otherwise inappropriate items must be checked at the gate. (The guards are honest and reputable.)

The Arena

Seats 50,000. Constructed of stone, wood, and some metal, a mixture of heavy Gothic and modern minimalism. Entrance fee: two golds.

South River Quarter

Resembles Scum Town but with less violence. Populated by derelicts, drunks, and fishermen. Forest industry supports no standard of living above Poor. Good place for refugees and newcomers willing to work. Entrance fee: none.

Paradise Alley

Carousers dreamland. Major streets lined with bars, clubs, casinos, and bordellos. Realistic mockups of New Orleans (New French Quarter), South America (Carnival District). Policed by the Gendarme Verde. No violence greater than brawling is tolerated. Drawing weapons in anger results in banning. Entrance fee: one gold.

New A’kina

Overseen by council of Reptile Men. Known as fine warriors, they supply mercenaries to other boroughs. Also known for charitable work among dregs of South River. Large music stadium where amplified concerts can be heard outside the borough walls. Said to have largest selection of beers and ales in the Hole. Entrance fee: one quarter.

The North Quarter

Industrial center. Dictatorship. Slave trade legal here. Profitable business of body rendering and fuel alcohol production. Anyone suspected of abolitionist activity will be arrested and enslaved or executed. Entrance fee: none, but those not on business are discouraged from entering.

Other Areas

Lumber Companies. Forest areas to the north and south are walled off and heavily patrolled. Intruders are killed without provocation or warning.

Wetlands. Inhabited by cannibalistic, barely-human tribes known as “swamp rats.” Also giant alligators and poisonous swamp toads.

Miner’s Town. To the east, just outside the walls of Paradise Alley. The majority of mining in the Hole takes place here. Heavily patrolled. Intruders are killed without provocation or warning.

Ironkill Woods. Enchanted such that any metal brought in instantly crumbles to dust. Populated by primitive tribesmen, Native Americans, martial artists, and magic users. Residents trade with cities but do not leave the sanctuary of the forest. Newcomers who agree to adhere to peaceful life of the forest are sometimes accepted. Those not accepted are said to experience hostility from the forest itself as well as the creatures who make it their home. Overseen by a mysterious and secretive group known only as the Council.

The Graveyard. Tombstones, grave markers, and a few free-standing mausoleums. Final resting place of about 8,000 original residents of the Hole. Closed for over 5,000 years. No new bodies are buried here. Said to be haunted. Possibly an area of variable magical power or spirit-based magic. Covers a 38 sq km area.

The Stronghold. Private city-state built against the cliffs. Completely self-contained. Has its own mining and farming operations. Supports over 1,000 residents who are said to live in luxury. Imports lumber from Lumbertown and meat from Ironkill Woods. Heavily defended. Walls almost 25m tall can withstand artillery attacks. Overseen by a single unknown individual. Secret tunnels are rumored to lead from the Stronghold into every area of the city.