Ishimaru Tetsuo

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Ishimaru Tetsuo is the second-born son of Ishimaru Takanobu. At the age of 33 he serves his elder brother Ishimaru Katsurou in the management of the family lands and agencies. Tetsuo is a samurai trained in the arts of jujutsu, kenjutsu, naginatajutsu, and sojutsu. He is also skilled with yari and bo.

A chummy and good-natured bachelor of honest reputation, Tetsuo keeps a modest household in the village of Kusage. The large house is almost always occupied by one or more of Tetsuo’s musician friends or other hangers-on. Tetsuo is known for having groups of friends over almost daily to enjoy good meals, music and rice wine, their revelries sometimes lasting late into the night. He can also be a good friend in time of need, though more for his strong back than a loan of money.

For many years Tetsuo has been assembling a collection of calligraphy. Consisting mostly of Chinese poetry, there are also selections of recent work by local calligraphers. He prizes this collection greatly and seeks to expand it.

Tales of Ishimaru Tetsuo

Women are overseers of men

Ishimaru Tetsuo buys a house


Though all desire peace,
War is the path of honor.
So the gods have decreed.

This death-dealing sword
sings as it cleaves the night air,
dividing the night.

Men pursue women
like the moth pursues the flame,
but both are consumed.

Death is Greatest Peace, And War always leads to Death, Thus War leads to Peace.