Places in Orre

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Just as there are six elements ruled by six goddesses, there are six major cities, each devoted to one particular goddess.

Middleton, the City of Trade

Middleton is the biggest and most diverse city in Orre. Surrounded mountains to the north but accessible to the south, it's a popular place of immigration and trade. Additionally, as its name suggests, its smackdab in the middle of Orre making it a popular place to stop on the way to other cities. Middleton's patron goddess is Shor, the goddess of light.

Social Structure and Economy

Middleton is ruled by the Board of Mages who appoints an Archmage to create laws which the board then votes upon. There are six mages on the board, each representing an element. Though this is meant to provide representation, they are hard pressed to agree on anything and often most votes end in a deadlock.

The position of Archmage opens every five years. However, more often than not the same person is elected.

There exists a large gap between the poor, middle class, and the rich. The rich live in the Upper Quarter, the middle class live in the Merchant Quarter and the poor live in the Traveler's Quarter. It is illegal to sell a house in the Upper Quarter to someone who lives in the Traveler's Quarter. It is frowned upon (though not illegal) to sell a house in the Upper Quarter to someone in the Merchant District. There is no issue with advancing from the Traveler's Quarter to the Merchant District.

The primary trade goods in Middleton are metals and armor. Middleton is renowned for its superior blacksmiths. The town makes most of its money off taxes from traveling merchants.

Perks of living in Middleton

As Middleton is a melting pot of different cultures, there are no requirements or perks to living in Middleton. Anyone from Middleton may have magery, limited psionic ability, skill in any kind of weapon or unarmed combat, and may take up any kind of trade. Those with Psionic ability cannot take any form of magery if they live in Middleton. Those from Middleton may not take Trained By a Master, but they may take Weapon Master.

Clockwise, the Cursed City

Nestled deep within the Deep Falls Swamp is the town of Clockwise, so named due to the wise and disciplined folk who live under the glare of a clock gifted to them by their patron goddess, Indrid of water. There are many claims that its town and people made a deal with the elemental of Intelligence in an attempt to increase their mental capabilities. The elemental accepted, but in return placed upon them a curse of clumsiness and misfortune. Anyone who claims to be from Clockwise receives a lot of respect for their abilities... but are usually kept away from anything fragile. Communication out of the town appears to have ceased and those who have attempted to travel there never returned. Most believe it to be related to the curse.

Social Structure and Economy

The township places little value on money and possessions. The leader of the village is often the one considered the wisest and usually the eldest. This leader is merely an adviser in times of trouble, otherwise people are usually left to their own devices.

Most everyone in the village is poor, but the village is self-sustaining and relies little on trade, which rarely finds its way there due to the wet and unpleasant climate, along with the horrifying reputation.

Perks of originating from Clockwise

Due to their pact with the demon of Intelligence, the villagers of clockwise have Compartmentalized Mind and can take both Ritual Magery and psionic abilities. However they suffer a Divine Curse (-25) that acts as a combination of Unluckiness and Total Klutz. They also have a -5 Social Stigma (Clockwise); most people prefer to keep these people away from anything delicate and react at a -1 when asked to give up something fragile or personal and when browsing a merchant's wares..

Polt, the City of Wealth

Located in the scorching desert known as The Firelands, Polt was originally known as the Wandering City. It consisted of nomads wandering the desert in search of water and food. Eventually they found an oasis in the norther part of the desert and have now settled in the area for over two hundred years. They're longest running city in the country and the most prosperous. The oasis's rich and fertile soil allows for the production of herbs and spices that have trouble growing in most other areas, in particular the legendary Mint of Fara. The herb has mystical properties that can be used to increase the potency of magical potions and heal most diseases. This gave rise to the Nambitian Cartel, a mafia-esque group who control all of the mint in the country. They demand a large sum of money for the herb, and have let many die who couldn't pay.

They worship the Fire Goddess, Fara.

Social Structure and Economy

Though the city technically has a "king", the Nambitian Cartel controls the place much like a police state. Weapons are forbidden in city walls unless you're "in" with the Cartel. The casting of magic is also forbidden, though there are many "underground" mage colleges in the area for those seeking the persuasion, and anyone who is an ally and employee of the Cartel may receive training from a Cartel mage.

Polt is a very wealthy city. Most of its citizens are rich, although the Cartel imposes high taxes keeping most people from becoming too powerful. Along with the rich, there is also the extremely poor. People who've had their wealth and houses taken because they spoke out against the Cartel. Many who dislike the Cartel but wish to keep their wealth escape to Middleton, but become eternal enemies with the mob.

Perks of coming from Polt

The people of Polt are attractive and rich and may buy Appearance and Wealth (up to Very Wealthy) at half the usual cost. As you wouldn't be allowed to leave Polt unless you escaped or are on business for the Cartel, you must take either -30 point Enemy (Nambitian Cartel) or a 20 point Patron (Nambition Cartel).

Glass Rock

Very little is known about the reclusive people of Glass Rock, except that they worship the goddess of wind, Havi. This entry will remain empty until more is discovered.

Grenedine, the City of Tradition

The nation of Grenedine was originally a fort built to discourage the hostile walking dead that attempt to come through the Ironwood Pass from the Necrovalley. Over time the guards of the fort brought their families and the fort grew into a city. As the city grew more and more detached from the outside world, it started to develop its own culture. It became a culture of prideful warriors who valued the battle more than their very lives. The ability to fight became so ingrained in their culture it became how they picked spouses, how people got hired for jobs... they rarely have any argument that isn't settled by a good fight.

They worship the Rock Goddess, Vira

Social Structure and Economy

The king or queen of Grenedine is decided by a grand battle after the death of the previous one. All who wish to enter compete and the last to survive becomes the ruler for life, or until someone else challenges them. A decent amount of respect for one's elders keeps elder kings from being challenged, but if they are called out they will fight for their honor.

The people of Grenedine aren't particularly rich but they aren't poor either. The richest tend to be the families who have lived there the longest.

Their biggest export is wood from the Iron Wood forest that surrounds the land.

Perks for coming from Grenedine

People from Grenedine Must take the Trained By A Master feat and all of the skills that come with. However, they must also take On The Edge and -15 Point Vow (Always Accept a Challenge)


Little is known about the city of Hawthorne, except that it sits undisturbed in the largest concentration of undead in the country. Many speculate it's a city of liches or other strange undead things. Until more is discovered this entry will remain blank.


There exist people in Orre who are not from Orre at all. Not much is known about them. It's believed the six foretold in a prophecy long ago will be outsiders, but many are unsure how to identify them. Until more is discovered, this entry will remain blank. Outsider characters are not available as PCs at this time.