Aurora Sector Systems of Interest

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Information current as of Stardate 3701.01

The following systems located in the Aurora Sector have been designated by the Federation as “systems of interest.” These systems contain planets suitable for colonization, or those with material resources of interest to the Federation. This information is subject to change.

Agora. “Sister system” to the Aurora System. Discovered and mapped by Abraham Bogg. Four planets orbit a single G-class star. A recent survey probe scanned what appear to be ruins of a civilization on the third planet. This system is designated for further exploration in 2237.

Al-Jihan. Consists of a single red subgiant star with nine planetary bodies in orbit. The fifth planet of the system is habitable and has been designated for colonization in early 2237.

Athene. This five-planet system consists of one inhabitable world and several rock planets. Recent survey probes detected evidence of an advanced civilization located on the first planet. Per General Order 1, Star Fleet has not made contact with this civilization. The Federation Council has the matter currently under consideration. Until further notice, this system is off-limits to Star Fleet and Federation ships and personnel.

Bogg’s Cluster. Named for Abraham Bogg, the first human to explore this sector. Bogg mapped the Aurora and Agora Systems, then explored this cluster of stars. A nearby large blue giant is named for the explorer.

Crimson Twins. Two red giants locked in a death struggle.

Endor. Seven planets, two of which appear capable of supporting life, orbit a red dwarf star. Star Fleet has designated this system for further exploration and study.

Koenig Cluster. A small cluster of red stars. No planets are located in this system. Named in honor of Captain Paul Koenig, commander of the colony ship Aurora, which was lost in this sector in 2222.

Nor’easters Cluster. A super-cluster of hundreds of white dwarf stars.

Rao-Krypton. Named for the homeworld of a 20th century comic book character, this system consists of a single rock planet orbiting a red subgiant star.

Western Cluster. There is a black hole located near the southern tip of this cluster, and a rare binary black hole another 50 parsecs away. Stellar surveys will concentrate in this area beginning early 2237.